Main Street Sees Partial Re-Opening

First Section of Stormwater Improvements Finished
Main Street Closed to Thru-Traffic

Main Street is now open between 9th Street and 12th Street, which includes access to Memorial Hall, John Brown Memorial Park, and the O-Zone. Stormwater improvements continue between 7th Street and 9th Street and that portion of Main Street remains closed to ALL traffic.

Because of the remaining closures, Main Street is signed as "Closed to Thru-Traffic" at 12th Street and we recommend people continue using the Pacific Avenue detour whenever possible. If there's a stalled or stopped train, traffic may divert along Parker Ave and 9th St rather than traveling through John Brown Memorial Park.

closure map

As work increases near the 7th and Brown intersection, 7th Street from Brown to Main will be closed to ALL traffic until further notice. We will continue to open the street in the evenings and over the weekend as we're able.

Please continue to treat Brown Ave as a FULLY CLOSED street unless you live on it or have critical business (Meals on Wheels delivery, home health, school buses, etc.). This is an active construction zone and should be avoided at all costs.

As always, if you have specific questions about how these closures and detours may impact you, please reach out to our Public Works Department at 913-755-4525. We're happy to help you identify safe, reliable access!

[Updates on road closures are distributed via our official City website, social media, and our TextMyGov Road Alerts subscription option. See the attached flyer for more information!]

tmg flyer