Fun with Flags

The Who/What/When/Where/Why of Locate Flags
flag questions

It's been a busy summer in the City of Osawatomie and we're still going strong on a number of infrastructure projects. Residents will have noticed a seeming abundance of locate flags planted along sidewalks, in side yards, and down the middle of easements across the city. These locates are being performed by our consultant teams as part of continuing design and mapping work in our water plant redesign and water distribution line system replacement project. Flags and colored paint lines mark the location of existing utility lines, like sewer and gas, so appropriate decisions can be made regarding the location of new water lines in those neighborhoods.

Commonly Asked Questions

Q: Can I remove the flags to mow?

A: You can, but we ask that you replace the flags in their original locations after you're done mowing. The paint stripes should last through at least two mowing sessions to help guide flag replacement.

Q: How long will the flags be in my yard?

A: Locate flags will be left in yards for two to three weeks to allow surveyors adequate time to record results. Additional rounds of locates may be required if the flags are removed too soon, so please try to replace them if you need to move them for yard maintenance or other activities.

Q: Does this mean my yard is going to be torn up?

A: Not anytime soon! These locates are part of a mapping and design phase of a much larger project that won't break ground for another 18 - 24 months.



Bret Glendening
Deputy City Manager
[email protected]
(913) 755 - 2146 x101